Why is awareness of blind spots crucial when driving?

Why is awareness of blind spots crucial when driving?

When you leave the safety of your house and head out onto the street, you assume people can see you. You rely on it to avoid them hurting you.

The problem is that human vision is not as all-encompassing as people like to think. However wide open your eyes are, there are things you cannot see. For instance, a teacher facing the blackboard cannot see what is happening behind her –  despite every schoolchild’s suspicions.

Modern vehicles exacerbate the problem

All enclosed vehicles have blind spots, and bigger vehicles often have larger ones. Hence if you are in one of their blind spots, you are at a greater risk of them injuring you.

18-wheelers have the most extensive blindspots

The driver is so high off the ground that you might need to be 20 feet in front before they can spot you. Blind spots along the driver’s side can stretch across a whole lane and two lanes on their offside. When following a truck, consider their rear blind spot can be 30 feet.

SUVs and pickups have far worse blind spots than cars

SUV and pickup drivers sit high off the ground like truckers. Combined with their extended bonnets, it exacerbates the danger to anyone in front. The thick A-pillars that frame the windscreen restrict vision to the side.

If a driver cannot see you, is it their fault if they injure you?

Not seeing you is not an excuse. Drivers need to understand the limits to their vision and adapt accordingly. If they do not and cause a wreck, you may need to find out more about claiming injury compensation.