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Mesothelioma And Asbestos

Mesothelioma And Asbestos

At DSW Law Firm, we understand the challenges you face and are committed to ensuring you receive the justice and compensation you deserve.

DSW Law Firm – Asbestos Lawyer in New Orleans

Asbestos was used as an all-purpose insulator nationwide for decades. For almost the last 50 years, the mineral has been restricted and banned from use due to the health problems it causes. The fibrous material was found to cause several forms of cancer, including mesothelioma, and other serious issues after inhalation. Even though it has been banned and there have been major efforts to remove as much asbestos as possible, it has yet to be completely eradicated.

The legal team at DSW Law Firm, is ready to help you pursue compensation if you or a loved one has developed medical problems due to asbestos exposure. This dangerous mineral causes extremely severe problems, including mesothelioma and lung cancer. Let us seek justice on your behalf – even if you were also a cigarette smoker.

What Diseases Can Asbestos Be Responsible For?

When even a single asbestos fiber is inhaled, it may come to rest in the lungs. The fibers begin to incubate and may become the source of any of several catastrophic medical problems. These problems include mesothelioma, a very rare, extremely aggressive form of cancer for which there is no current cure. If you or a loved one has suffered any of the following, it may be the result of asbestos fibers:
  • Mesothelioma
  • Asbestosis
  • Lung cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Testes cancer
  • Laryngeal cancer
  • Pleural plaques
  • Pleural thickening or effusion
Cancer caused by asbestos exposure takes a very long time to develop, especially mesothelioma, which can take between 30 and 50 years to incubate. All these issues require extensive medical treatment, and, even when treated, are often fatal.

Be sure to visit your doctor regularly to maintain a clean bill of health. If you develop any of these conditions, consider times when you or the people around you may have been exposed to asbestos. Growing up in an old building or having family members that may have carried the fibers home on their clothing are common means of exposure.

Attorneys Experienced in Rare Conditions

Asbestos-related cancers affect tens of thousands of individuals each year, especially in Louisiana. DSW Law Firm, in New Orleans, Louisiana, wants to be on your side if you have been exposed. Call a lawyer at our office at 504-586-1600 or send an email with the details of your issue.

New Orleans Mesothelioma And Asbestos Frequently Asked Questions

Should I pursue my personal injury in New Orleans?
Anytime you suffer an injury due to the negligence of another party, whether it be an individual or an entity, you should consider pursuing a personal injury case. While it is not a requirement, having had to receive medical attention after the accident is a good indicator if a case is worth pursuing. Come speak to us for free, and we will explain your legal options.
Why do I need a lawyer when insurance says I don’t?
Every insurance company must ensure that it only pays valid claims. To do so, insurance companies require certain types of proof before they pay claims. Demonstrating to an insurance company that your claim is one it should pay can be complex and difficult.
If you provide the wrong types of proof or insufficient proof of your claims, an insurance company can deny your claim, even if it is valid. You need to build your claim and provide proof of it to the insurance company — your compensation depends on it. One small error can keep you from your due recovery. Our experienced and savvy lawyers will protect your claims and negotiate best recoveries for you.
How much will this cost?
There is rampant misconception that attorneys’ sole concern is trying to squeeze billable hours from their clients. For personal injury matters, you are not required to pay anything if we do not win your case. Even the initial consultation and evaluation are free, meaning you lose nothing by coming in to see us to discuss your options.
When should I file a lawsuit?
Your lawyers will know when it is time to file a lawsuit. It is a wise decision to file a personal injury lawsuit as soon as you can. Situations can vary, but generally in Louisiana you have a maximum of one year to file a suit before the statute of limitations is up. However, sometimes it takes time to prepare a lawsuit to be filed, so do not hesitate – the earlier you come to see us, the more we will be able to help.
What is the first step I should take?
In addition to calling a lawyer, one of the best first steps you can take to prepare a personal injury case is to see the doctor. Even if you do not feel injured at the time, adrenaline and other factors may be hiding medical issues. Having an indisputable medical record of the injuries caused by your accident will be vital to any personal injury case. If you need help finding the right doctor or scheduling medical appointments, our experienced staff can assist you.
Is this too big of a case to fight?
The thought of filing a lawsuit against major insurance companies, hospitals, trucking companies and other enterprises that boast their own teams of lawyers can be scary. Please do not let that deter you. DSW Law Firm, has a history of filing and winning cases against large entities, like Freightliner, Daimler Trucks North America, First Mercury Insurance Co., State Farm Insurance Company, Allstate Insurance Company and many others, and will make the legal process easy on you.
Will I have to go to court?
Many individuals do not want the stress of appearing in court. Unless the case must be tried to be resolved, your lawyers can make all of the necessary appearances at court to further your claim, up until the trial. We are experienced litigators and are also able to seek the results you need at the negotiating table. Our superb trial record means we are also able to settle cases successfully – large defendants take our ability to win cases seriously. While we regularly try cases before judges and juries for our clients, most of our cases do settle before trial.